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Profile Evaluation

by ADC2000 Fri Sep 05, 2008 5:03 pm

I have ADHD and have requested additional time and testing in a quiet room. I have taken practice CATs under conditions similar to those which I have requested and have tested between 680 and 740. I am awaiting the board's decision, and studying for the GMAT. (under standard testing procedures I have averaged about a 550)
My assumption is that I will get accommadations, and will test at least a 700
I am 31, white male
I attended a mid-teir public university
I have a 2.52 overall GPA, mainly due to my disability, some blame could be attributed to working full-time while in UG school
I have a 2.93 GPA in my major (Political Science)
I have a minor in economics (2.915 in these classes)
I have 7 years professional work experience. My work has entailed steadily increasing responsibility. I do little management of people in my job, but do manage many projects simultaneously.
I am interested in attending Schools in/around Texas and Louisiana Full time.

I am starting on my applications, and am wondering what addmissions counselors would think of a third essay explaining my grades due to my disability? I know that there could be discrimination (either + or -) issues involved. I would discuss my impairment and the obstacles that I have overcome.

With a 2.52/2.93 GPA and a 700ish GMAT, where should I realisticly be looking? Do I have a chance at UT or Rice? SMU? Tulane? TCU? Should I be looking more at places like University of Houston or Loyola?

Thanks in advance,

by MBAApply Sat Sep 06, 2008 4:59 am

You should be fine.

Just use the optional essay to disclose your condition (i.e. it gets into the arena of "justification" when your explanation goes beyond 2 sentences or so - i.e. it starts to come across as overly defensive). Just a short and sweet statement of the facts. Other than that, you should be competitive for the schools you mentioned.

Alex Chu