A modified MGMAT SC question
'A leopard cannot catch a wildebeest as fast as it can catch a deer'
Is this correct? I think it is. But is it possible that the pronoun it may not have a clear Antecedent (Leapord or wildebeest).
I applied the MGMAT Pornoun reference principles of number, gender, repeat, promximity and case. This is what I got:
IT, Cheetah, Wildbeest
Number: X, X
Gender: X, X
Repeat: - -
Proximity: -, X
Case**: X, -
Case**: It and Cheetah are both subjects and wildbeest is the object.
Further if I break the parallel components into seperate parts, this is what I get,
A Cheetah cannot catch a wildbeest - as fast as-
It can catch a deer
And if you refer to the start of the pronoun chapter, MGMAT says' that if you have 2 clauses and the second clause starts with a pronoun, it can be assumed to refer to the subject of the first clause (though its really far away).