in manhattan strategy guide 4th edition, sentence correction , pronouns , it is writen that
do not use this or these in place of nouns. Also do not use that and those in place of nouns. use it, they, them.
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hemant.rao110 Wrote:in manhattan strategy guide 4th edition, sentence correction , pronouns , it is writen that
do not use this or these in place of nouns. Also do not use that and those in place of nouns. use it, they, them.
can explain more clearly
viv09 Wrote:In the example in the book, if we use "that" would it be incorrect?
Her products are unusual;many consider THAT unique.
sahu.gmat Wrote:Her products are unusual;many consider those unique.
Is this wrong or as those is referring to the same set of her product(and not a new copy), we should not use those.