Study and Strategy questions relating to the GMAT.

Question about GMATPrep Tests and MGMAT Tests

by Guest Sun Sep 09, 2007 2:58 am

Hi all,

I noticed after I finished taking both GMATPrep tests that when i go in again, the questions are different. Can those tests be taken more than once? They are drawing from a test bank right? I did see a few questions that looked familiar, but I was just browsing the questions and answered randomly, so maybe because my answers were wrong it drew different questions? I'm confused! (I did notice that the writing questions were the same)

Also for the Manhattan GMAT practice tests. Can the 6 tests be repeated? Or you can only take each once? i.e. will the questions be different if you take each test more than once? Is there any difference between getting the 6 Tests by getting access with the purchase of a book or getting that 1 Year Access package separately? i.e. if you get the separate online package and take the six tests, what will you do for the rest of the 1 year that you have access?

I have some older Manhattan GMAT books (probably from 2005). Did those come with online practice test access or is this something you guys started with the new GMAT books?

ManhattanGMAT Staff
Posts: 9350
Joined: Wed Oct 19, 2005 9:05 am
Location: Montreal

by StaceyKoprince Mon Sep 10, 2007 5:30 pm

Both the GMATPrep tests and the MGMAT tests can be taken as many times as you like, however, both tests will start to repeat questions after a certain number of tests. GMATPrep allows 2 tests with guaranteed no-repeat questions (though those questions can come from the OG, so you may have seen those problems before). MGMAT tests allow 6 tests with guaranteed no-repeat questions.

You asked "Or you can only take each once? i.e. will the questions be different if you take each test more than once?" Both tests are built around a database of questions - you are not "re-taking" one of the 6 tests if you take another test. The tests are dynamic - that is, the algorithm chooses a new mix of questions from the database every time you take a test. The only issue, for our tests is whether you are still in your first 6 tests (in which case you won't see any questions you've seen before) or on test 7 or higher (in which case you may see questions you've seen before).

Buying test access directly vs. getting test access via the books is the same thing - you're getting access to the same tests. I recommend getting the access via the books b/c the books are actually cheaper than buying test access buy itself (if you buy only one book).

You shouldn't be taking lots of tests all in a row - ideally, tests should be taken only every 3 weeks at the start, increasing in frequency to about every 2 weeks at the end. So our six tests plus the 2 GMATPrep tests (which everyone should do too) should be more than enough for the vast majority of students. For most of my students, I only have them take about 3-4 of our tests, plus the 2 GMATPrep tests.

The 2005 edition does not include access to the practice tests; the current tests didn't exist at that time. To get access via the books, you have to purchase a 2007 edition book.
Stacey Koprince
Director, Content & Curriculum