by JonathanSchneider Fri May 01, 2009 5:03 pm
Inference questions on RC function just as "Draw a Conclusion" questions on CR. So, I suggest that you start with the tools for that section (strategy guide, class section, etc.). The main takeaway: conclude something boring but true.
You are somewhat most likely to get inference questions on scientific or business passages. (Thay could appear on other passages as well, of course.) Inference questions are also SPECIFIC questions, meaning that you will not know the correct answer until you find the specific data. You should NOT be preparing yourself for every possible inference question as you read; rather, find the relevant data once you get the question.
A lot of inference questions require you to fill in the "negative space" between two facts. For example,
Fact one: profit increased by 200%
Fact two: revenue remained constant.
Inference: costs decreased substantially.