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Relatively low quant score, should I retake?

by AJ Sun Jun 15, 2008 10:01 am

I took the GMAT yesterday and got a 730 (96%) which I'm happy with but as I feared my verbal (45/98%) and quant (46/79%) scores were very far apart. I want to go to a top school like Stanford, Harvard, etc and am wondering if the huge score discrepancy will be a problem, especially since I know many schools want to see that magic 80% number.

For a bit of background, I went to Wharton undergrad where I concentrated in finance (3.41 gpa). I then worked for a year in investment banking before transferring to the same bank's private equity group where I've been for the past two years. Will that quant background offset the relatively low score?

I feel like if I focused more on my math basics and timing I could increase the math score but is it worth it?

Thanks for any feedback!

by MBAApply Sun Jun 15, 2008 11:50 am

Your GMAT score is fine -- don't retake it. The split isn't a big deal -- I wouldn't consider 79% a "low" score.

Just focus on your applications.

Alex Chu