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Retaking the test strategy.

by DM Mon May 06, 2013 7:53 am


In March I finally took the GMAT and I did not do well. I wrote about the test taking experience here.

I a received a reply from Ron Purewal (thanks Ron) suggesting I learn the backup methods. My question is: how do I learn these and how do know what to focus on? I did use OG Archer while practicing for the test so I have an idea on things that I should work on. And I did find the TH with Ron study hall and the accompanying videos. However, while I see videos for several topics I see that others are not covered such as positives and negatives.

I am putting together a strategy for picking up the pieces and I could sure use some advice on how to move forward. For example, do I focus on beginner problems or do I move on to more difficult ones? Do I review the basics again or just dive into new problems? Any advice would certainly help. Thank you.


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Re: Retaking the test strategy.

by tim Mon May 06, 2013 4:51 pm

This does not appear to be a math question. Please post in the appropriate forum.
Tim Sanders
Manhattan GMAT Instructor

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