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SC - instruction

by mygmat800 Fri Jun 13, 2008 10:06 pm

In addition to adhering to the policies and guidelines of the State Department of Education, the successful instructor will be responsible for instruction in the appropriate teaching environment and evaluates student learning.

A will be responsible for instruction in the appropriate teaching environment and evaluates
B will be responsible for instruction in the appropriate teaching environment and evaluate
C is responsible for instruction in the appropriate teaching environment and evaluate
D is being responsible for instruction in the appropriate teaching environment and for evaluating
E is responsible for instructions in the appropriate teaching environment and will be evaluating

by mygmat800 Fri Jun 13, 2008 10:12 pm

i actually found none of them conforming to the rules of SC. However, I zeroed down on B and E. i would really appreciate an explanation for why is one of B and E better than the other.


citing source

by mygmat800 Sat Jun 14, 2008 5:12 pm

sorry didnt cite the source of the problem. this is from gmatclub challenges.