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Sentence Correction-Tobacco Companies

by brijeshkmishra Sun Dec 01, 2013 12:29 am

Tobacco companies, shaken by a string of legal setbacks in the United States, but which retain strong growth prospects in the developing world, face an uncertain future.

I understand the corrected version given in the guide. But, can the following be correct as well:

Tobacco companies, shaken by a string of legal setbacks in the United States but retaining strong growth prospects in the developing world, face an uncertain future.

Here I have made 'shaken' (Past Participle) parallel with 'retaining' (Present Participle) in the appositive clause.

For your opinion please.
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Re: Sentence Correction-Tobacco Companies

by RonPurewal Sun Dec 01, 2013 12:51 am

That version would be correct, yes.
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Re: Sentence Correction-Tobacco Companies

by JbhB682 Sun Jun 11, 2017 11:42 pm

Hi Ron - have a question on the correct version of the sentence per the SC guide

Correct version :

Tabacco companies, which have been shaken by a string of legal setbacks in the United States, but which retain strong growth prospects in the developing world , face an uncertain future.

Q1) Given the COMMA + FANBOY, shouldnt the bold be an independent clause ? If so, could you please explain why the bold is an independent clause ...when i say the following in isolation, sounds like a dependent clause

which retain strong growth prospects in the developing world

Q2) Could you confirm if this could be an accurate sentence as well

Tabacco companies, which WERE shaken by a string of legal setbacks in the United States, but which retain strong growth prospects in the developing world, face an uncertain future.

Thank you !
Sage Pearce-Higgins
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Re: Sentence Correction-Tobacco Companies

by Sage Pearce-Higgins Fri Jul 14, 2017 5:09 pm

Q1) Using one of FANBOYs with a comma doesn't have to involve an independent clause. These conjunctions have other uses too. Take the example 'He likes carrots, but not tomatoes.' Of course, any clause with "which" is going to be a modifier, and therefore not an independent clause.

Q2) This is a verb issue: have been emphasizes that the results of the legal setbacks are still ongoing, whereas were could mean that they no longer affect the tobacco companies. For that reason, your version sounds less natural, but I wouldn't say it's wrong.