Dear Sir/Maam,
In Kaplan book i saw a sentence " Every sentence must contain at least one complete independent clause. If there is no independent clause at all, or if what's supposed to be the independent clause is incomplete, you've got a sentence fragment."
The given below is right sentence
" While most people, who have worked hard for many years, have not managed to save any money, they are trying to be more frugal now."
In the above, there are two clauses available
1. While most ...... have ... money ( subordinate clause)
2. they........ now. (Independent clause)
Can the following be right:
"Although many people, who have worked hard for many years, have not managed to save any money, yet they are trying to be more frugal now."
In the above, there is no independent clause; however it seems to be right to me. If this is not right, please help me out in making it correct; otherwise suggest the reason of its being correct (as there is no independent clause visible).