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Solid GMAT. Planning to retake. Good/bad idea?

by PhilipT591 Wed Mar 02, 2016 10:37 pm

I took my first GMAT test today and got a 730 (47 quant, 44 verbal, 8 IR). I feel confident I can do better and am planning to take it again in three weeks, but I want to make sure the potential payoff justifies the risk and opportunity cost. Could you guys confirm/deny that I'm making a good decision.

My background:
  • Undergrad: University of Oregon, 3.9 GPA, economics with math minor and honors.

  • Work Experience: Three years in economic consulting at one of the "top" firms. Very strong performance and promotion record--I'm now a "senior" in my firm.

  • Target Schools: Sloan, Haas, Kellogg. All for Fall 2017 admittance.

ManhattanGMAT Staff
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Re: Solid GMAT. Planning to retake. Good/bad idea?

by mbamissionjenK Wed Mar 02, 2016 11:12 pm

Hi there,

Congrats on a very solid score, at or above the average at basically any b-school out there! ;) What makes you believe you can do better, and why do you feel that drive to try again? Certainly if you had done much better on several reputable practice tests and want to give it another shot I'd say sure, as there's not much to lose (schools take the highest score, plus you can now even cancel if desired and they never know you took it). That said, there's generally not a need to re-take at 730 so I wouldn't worry too much about it if you'd rather focus your energy on your essays and actual applications...keep us posted on where your thinking is at!!
Jennifer Kedrowski

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Re: Solid GMAT. Planning to retake. Good/bad idea?

by PhilipT591 Thu Mar 03, 2016 2:00 am

Thanks for the feedback, Jennifer.

I think I can do better because I got a 750 on my most recent GMATPrep practice test, I already signed up for the date, and I'll have three more weeks to prepare.

As far as what's driving me, it's that I'd like to have an above average score for all schools (Stanford in particular), that I come from an industry well-represented at top schools (consulting), that I went to a state school (in state tuition was compelling). Admittedly, I probably also have some sort of chip on my shoulder.

I don't think I'd do much, if any, work on essays and applications in the next three weeks, but let me know if you think it'd be smarter to focus on those instead. Thanks!
ManhattanGMAT Staff
Posts: 640
Joined: Mon May 13, 2013 10:11 am

Re: Solid GMAT. Planning to retake. Good/bad idea?

by mbamissionjenK Wed Mar 09, 2016 2:06 pm

Sure thing, I support that decision based upon what you've shared! ;) Sounds like you have a 750+ in you, and that will only help! Good luck, keep up the positive attitude, and keep us posted!!
Jennifer Kedrowski

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