Hello my MP friends,
I know this is simple, but I struggle sometimes with differentiating between adverbs and adjectives.
Specifically, I realize adverbs can tell you how much (e.g. "just") and adjectives have a similar function with terms that impose limits (e.g. "each").
This struggle is amplified when I think about the meaning of a SC question. Is there any advice for sorting out my adverbs versus adjectives woes? I've been generally thinking along the lines of "-ly ending" is an adverb and "-ed ending" is an adjective, but I realize that I must understand where these words are placed in the sentence to decipher what they are modifying. However, it seems that sometimes you just have to know if it is an adjective or adverb (e.g. I was confused about supposed versus supposedly in the Irish example below in which you really had to know whether supposed was an adjective or adverb to decipher meaning). Any advice would be greatly appreciated
Example I am referencing:
“Max’s grandma, from whom he inherited his smile, is his supposedly Irish ancestor.”