Share your thoughts, experiences, and suggestions regarding your ManhattanGMAT course and curriculum.

Verbal Fear!!!

by Optimist Thu Jun 07, 2007 11:30 am

I am from Minnesota. I took GMAT 2 times - both times i got 425-450 - Quan. part was okay (raw 34-37) but Verbal was the killer (raw 11 and 14) - I am really Embarrassed to talk about it. First time i studied like 2 weeks with OG 10th ed and second time 3-4 wks with OG 10th and PR guide ( yes i wasn't very serious either).

Now I have MNGMT guides (based on OG 10th ed) and i gone through couple of chapters of SC (I do reallly bad in that section) - Still I don't get 90% correct!!! I am still in barely 40-60% correct area!! Ughhhh.. My Goal to make it verbal raw score to 40!!!

Yes, English is my 2nd language - studied engineering in college but never got less than B in English classes!! I am missing something!

I saw MNGMT has online class - should i try the online class? or a on site class would be better for me (then i have to go to Chicago or NY for that)? should I get private tutoring?

I been contacted by those Craigslist posted GMAT helper who do GMAT tutoring individually - assuring me 680-750 scores!! but I don't want believe on these so- called GMAT geniouses!

Is there anyone can tell me what should I do? Can I get higher score in verbal ( math is not a concern to me- i can handle it)! anyone has any success story for me with MNGMT?
ManhattanGMAT Staff
Posts: 9363
Joined: Wed Oct 19, 2005 9:05 am
Location: Montreal

by StaceyKoprince Tue Jun 19, 2007 3:57 am

I'll let students talk about whether they think our courses are worth it, but please do not believe anyone who assures you a particular score. Nobody can guarantee that - only about 12% of the entire test-taking population scores a 680 or higher.

People typically prepare for the test for 3-4 months, studying almost every day. So the fact that you weren't as serious about your prep before is a good sign that you probably have room for improvement.

Also, be aware that you will never get 90% correct - nobody does, even those who get perfect scores. The majority of people get only about half of the questions right - the thing that matters for the score is the difficulty level of the questions you answer. So two different people could both get 50% right, but one person could score a 450 and the other could score a 650, because they are answering different questions. (And the person with the higher score is answering harder ones, of course.) One of the things you need to learn before you go in there again is how the test is scored and what implications that has for how you work through the test.

Our online courses use the same curriculum and meet for the same amount of time as the in-person courses. The online courses also use two instructors (simultaneously) so as one instructor is teaching, students can ask the other instructor questions. The classes are also taped, so you can go back and review a lesson if you think you need more work.

We do have a 2-week bootcamp in August in NYC, but I would strongly recommend an online course over the bootcamp. Bootcamp is really intense and (in my opinion) not the best way to study because you're cramming. We also do private tutoring online for those who don't live near our instructors. Check out our web site ( to see all of your options.

Good luck!
Stacey Koprince
Director, Content & Curriculum


by Optimist Wed Jun 27, 2007 4:13 pm

Thank you Stacey.

Re: Verbal Fear!!!

by Guest Sun Apr 06, 2008 4:16 am

I think you have to stop preparing for the test and work on your English in a college level or remedial class. Not to be harsh, but I think you also need to write more formally in forums like this one. Avoid words like "killer" and use correct punctuations and grammar. Good luck.