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what should i do

by dr.manishjain82 Mon Nov 26, 2012 8:42 am

hi everyone
i am quite new to this forum and joined it recently. i have a few questions to the experts. i am a dentist based in india and have done my masters in dentistry about 3 yrs back. i started preparing for GMAT in june 2012, and have written it twice already. first was on sep 15 and my score was 640. then after two months of sheer hard work, i wrote it again n scored a dismal 650 today. i am very disappointed and want to know whether i stand any chance with this score or should i prepare for GMAT once more. please do send in your reviews. also what score would b ideal for a person like me who is from a diverse background and i want to get in to a great b school like hbs or lbs. also what should i do make my profile look more attractive
looking forward to a reply from your end

dr manish jain
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Posts: 401
Joined: Thu Jun 28, 2012 3:47 am

Re: what should i do

by mili Tue Nov 27, 2012 2:13 am

Hi Dr. Jain,

Sorry to hear about your GMAT. As a dentist, you definitely have a non traditional background, which could give you a competitive edge. However, I think it puts more emphasis on proving your analytic capability, which you'll need to do through the GMAT. I'd suggest that to have a shot at an HBS or an LBS, you'll need to raise the GMAT score significantly (700+), but also, you'll have to have a very strong story as to why you are making such a major career transition. And you'll need to support your story with evidence. Finally, you'll need to demonstrate exceptional leadership and teamwork experience, which I fear may be difficult with your professional background.

My intuition says that HBS and LBS are going to be longshots based on what I know of your profile, but if you do have a strong story and experience as mentioned above and if you can raise your score, perhaps I'm wrong!

Best of luck,

Mili Mittal
Senior Consultant

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