Hello! I would really appreciate if you could evaluate my profile please. I have work experience of 5 years now in Energy and Finance. I graduated from a top 10 british university with 2nd Class Honors and I scored a 630 V 43 Q 32 on my third attempt. I plan to apply for some schools in US. Your advice would be really appreciated. I have finance background with 4 years of corporate banking experience in Dubai and 1 year experience of Working in Energy in Singapore. I have led teams in Singapore and Dubai and have strong extra curricula's including helping a school for autistic children with its marketing efforts to increase enrolment and doing free lance consulting projects.
I was going through the business week rankings and found out a few schools where my score of 630 is within the middle 80% gmat. I am wondering if any of these schools would accept me. I am more interested in US ones:
My Target Schools in the US would be
U Washington.
Indiana University 678 GMAT Average
George Town 690+ Average GMAT
Your advice will be really appreciated since I plan to do my MBA this year. I do not plan to retake the GMAT due to a busy work schedule.