Math questions from any Manhattan Prep GMAT Computer Adaptive Test.
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Work Your Abs

by stevenstratmann Sat Jan 22, 2011 10:46 am

What is the value of y?

(1) 3|x^2 - 4| = y - 2

(2) |3 - y| = 11

D.S. question (2) is easy and I understand the outcome is either 14, -8

question (1) I knew the solution could not be obtained from this question alone so I figured (together) you would isolate the absolute value information and set it equal to the other numbers and then another equation setting the numbers within the absolute value equal to the opposite of the other numbers. For instance:

x^2-4 = y-2/3 and the opposite x^2-4 = -y/3 + 2/3

and conclude that one number from stem 2 (14, -8) equals the same value for 'x' and the other does not. This tactic was not the case.

REVIEWING -> the explanation states that x^2-4 is >-0- which makes sense but why would not my attempt or thought process have worked also?

ManhattanGMAT Staff
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Re: Work Your Abs

by jnelson0612 Sun Jan 23, 2011 5:30 pm

Hi Steven,
The explanation in this thread my help you: absolute-values-t5494.html

Basically, we know that the left side HAS to be positive--there is no way around it. As a result, the right side has to be positive too. You do not need to set up a negative scenario.

Again, check out Emily's explanation in the thread above and let us know if you need further clarification.
Jamie Nelson
ManhattanGMAT Instructor