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Young candidate for Executive MBA programs

by Hadar Mon Feb 04, 2008 1:45 am

Hi Alex,

I know you have lots of people asking you to analyze their profiles for admission into MBA programs. I'm someone who started a bit late on this process but am planning on taking my GMAT at the end of the month. The issue is:

Since I am late in the game, I will only be able to apply during, for example, Stern's 3rd round, if at all. For this reason, and others I will explain later, I am looking to apply to the EMBA programs at Columbia and Stern, and also the January (accelerated program) at Columbia. (I was told I can apply to both the EMBA and the January program at the same time, but I am going to call again and make absolutely sure!)

I have 4.5 ys professional experience working in brand strategy, marketing, and consumer research, a GPA of 3.7 in Hebrew Language & Literature from Brandeis U (in addition to an independent concentration in Ethnomusicology,) lots of extracurricular (Classical Voice, Political organizations...) and am planning on scoring a 700/high 600's on my GMAT. I speak Hebrew and Spanish.

What do you think my chances are of getting into these schools? I spoke with the admissions counselor at Columbia for the EMBA program and she said that while the more senior applicants are accepted w/GMAT scores of avg 650, the younger applicants that are accepted bring to the table instead of many years of experience, a GMAT score above 700.

Also: I think (though am not sure) that I have fast-tracked in my career, which I will speak about in my essays....but not sure

Also, where are you located? Do you do any consulting w/GMAT applicants? If so, I might be interested in connecting on a more formal level...