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Elle Woods
Elle Woods
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by JorieB701 Thu Jun 28, 2018 3:11 pm

I know this isn't exactly your guy's wheelhouse but I'm curious if you are aware of LSAC policies regarding accommodations with scores already on file? I have two scores on file, 158, 159, but have significant impairments due to ADHD and anxiety and was not aware of the new policies that prohibit flagging so I never applied. Any idea if a request for accommodations will be outright denied because of previous scores? I’ve called LSAC and they deny any policy, although I’m reluctant to trust this information. The internet seems divided, or suggests any score over 150 as being prohibitive when seeking accommodations. Any ideas? Thanks.
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Atticus Finch
Atticus Finch
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Re: Accommodations

by ohthatpatrick Sat Jun 30, 2018 1:09 am

Yeah, sorry, I wish I had anything remotely helpful to add, but this is out of my wheelhouse.

Hopefully someone more knowledgeable will chime in. I don't see the merit to the underlying concept you're asking about though: having a score that's so good that you render yourself ineligible for accommodations.

Accommodations, as I would conceive them, are an adjustment made for an atypical disadvantage.

Whether you're disadvantage is causing you to get a 140, rather than a 150, or whether it's causing you to get a 160, rather than a 170 shouldn't matter.

Good luck!