by ohthatpatrick Thu Sep 21, 2017 1:16 am
I usually write out at least two valid scenarios, when I'm feeling like, "WTF is this game?"
And I do the "If" questions first, for the sake of getting even more scenarios on the page.
Some productive up front questions we could have asked ourself on this one would be,
"Which offices could go first / which offices could go last?"
We know X/Y must go first, and, it turns out, W must go last.
It looks like maybe it can go 3rd with L, but if you investigate that possible scenario, you find out it breaks.
So knowing that W is always 4th is a big inference we could have theoretically made, but it's a lot easier to say that in the calmness of hindsight then in the initial panic of "WTF is this game?"