nazu.s.shaikh Wrote:I managed to get 20 - 22 done, however 23 and 24 are troubling me a bit. How do I begin to diagram 23 when I am unsure of a fixed placement for each person and likewise for 24.
Take a look at the diagram I posted above, as I'll be referring to that.
With #23, if O and P are separate, who will go with P (P needs two others in that class). The only candidates left are H and N/S (meaning N or S, depending on which one is used to go in the first class).
So, now we know the classes, N/S - K - L I - G - 0 - P H N/S , or those last two classes could be reversed in order and O could be the last class. Since this is a "could be true" question, we can predict that the answer will have to do with this possible switch, since the answers to "could be true" questions refer 99% of the time to scenarios that could be true, but don't have to be. (D) refers to two of these up in the air issues: N is chosen, and the P class is fifth, not sixth.
# 24 hinges on a similar issue. If we have to throw O earlier than G, who will go with P? It must be our old friends H and N/S again. That means that H must go last since the issue of whether the P class or the O class will be last is irrelevant, and H, the other contender for pushing P a bit earlier than last, is now stuck in class with P.
Does that clear it up?