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Vinny Gambini
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PT 29, S3, Game 4 - Exactly six piano classes are given

by ecmoloney Wed Nov 04, 2009 1:24 am

anyone have any ideas for the setup for the piano classes (#20-24)? Thanks.
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Atticus Finch
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Re: PT 29, S3, Game 4 - Exactly six piano classes are given

by noah Wed Nov 04, 2009 10:57 am

Here's a diagram that seems to work well.
The trick is to preserve the relative ordering slant of the game but also represent the grouping constraints.

By the way, when you're trying to crack a game that you couldn't diagram, it's useful to reverse engineer the diagram, then play the game with it, and then a few days later, re-play the game, aiming to create your ideal diagram.

Tell me how it goes.
PT29, S3, G4 - Piano Lessons - ManhattanLSAT Diagram.pdf
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Vinny Gambini
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PrepTest 29, Section 3, Game 4

by mikeyjacobs Fri Nov 20, 2009 8:29 pm


This is a tough open assignment+ game, I'm able to solve it with 15 minutes or so(not good), but I am wondering how to best set this up. I used the typical open assignment board, but i'm not sure if I did something wrong.

I will attach my setup with my thinking.

Anybody have a fast setup/solution on this one?


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Vinny Gambini
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Re: PrepTest 29, Section 3, Game 4

by mikeyjacobs Sat Nov 21, 2009 1:46 pm

I realized that this is already answered in the PREPTEST 29 area but under Game 3.
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Atticus Finch
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Re: PrepTest 29, Section 3, Game 4

by noah Sat Nov 21, 2009 2:35 pm

Sorry if that's mis-categorized. I agree that there is some assignment-oriented rules, however for open assignment we're looking more for rules like "J has more than Z" and "Q and F share no plays in common with G".

In this game, we see a lot more relative ordering, and it turns out that the number of students in a class is only important for one class (P's). I've also played this game more focused on assignment, and I found it much more difficult.

Thanks for showing your diagram. Do you have any more questions?
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Elle Woods
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Re: PT 29, S3, Game 4 - Exactly six piano classes are given

by nazu.s.shaikh Sat Jul 17, 2010 4:07 pm

I managed to get 20 - 22 done, however 23 and 24 are troubling me a bit. How do I begin to diagram 23 when I am unsure of a fixed placement for each person and likewise for 24.
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Re: PT 29, S3, Game 4 - Exactly six piano classes are given

by noah Mon Jul 19, 2010 10:36 am

nazu.s.shaikh Wrote:I managed to get 20 - 22 done, however 23 and 24 are troubling me a bit. How do I begin to diagram 23 when I am unsure of a fixed placement for each person and likewise for 24.

Take a look at the diagram I posted above, as I'll be referring to that.

With #23, if O and P are separate, who will go with P (P needs two others in that class). The only candidates left are H and N/S (meaning N or S, depending on which one is used to go in the first class).

So, now we know the classes, N/S - K - L I - G - 0 - P H N/S , or those last two classes could be reversed in order and O could be the last class. Since this is a "could be true" question, we can predict that the answer will have to do with this possible switch, since the answers to "could be true" questions refer 99% of the time to scenarios that could be true, but don't have to be. (D) refers to two of these up in the air issues: N is chosen, and the P class is fifth, not sixth.

# 24 hinges on a similar issue. If we have to throw O earlier than G, who will go with P? It must be our old friends H and N/S again. That means that H must go last since the issue of whether the P class or the O class will be last is irrelevant, and H, the other contender for pushing P a bit earlier than last, is now stuck in class with P.

Does that clear it up?
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Elle Woods
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Re: PT 29, S3, Game 4 - Exactly six piano classes are given

by nazu.s.shaikh Mon Jul 19, 2010 10:51 pm

Thank you for Q23 it is much clearer to me now, I forgot the O could be placed before P and that would suffice as I was unsure before of where I could place O if it wasn't with P. But now I see it.

Here is a go at Q 24

O after Kate and before Gamine.

Diagram : N/S --- K-- O--IL--G- PH N/S

Just for my own peace of mind having O after Kate and before Gamine could we assume that O's placement is either before or after IL and that would still satisfy the condition of O being after K and before G
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Re: PT 29, S3, Game 4 - Exactly six piano classes are given

by noah Tue Jul 20, 2010 12:42 pm

nazu.s.shaikh Wrote:O after Kate and before Gamine.

Diagram : N/S --- K-- O--IL--G- PH N/S

Just for my own peace of mind having O after Kate and before Gamine could we assume that O's placement is either before or after IL and that would still satisfy the condition of O being after K and before G

Yep, you've got it. Nice work.