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PT 18, S1, G1 - Each of five students Hubert, Lori, Paul

by rivers.sam10 Mon Nov 16, 2009 2:17 pm

Could only get past the first question. An explanation for solving this game would be greatly appreciated.
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Atticus Finch
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Re: PT 18, S1, G1 - Each of five students Hubert, Lori, Paul

by aileenann Mon Nov 23, 2009 7:24 pm

Thanks for your question. I thought the first step would be to check your diagram. I've attached a copy of how I would have diagrammed this game, coupled with inferences. How does this match up with what you have?

If you didn't make too many inferences, try to work out a few problems again. If it's still not going well, let me know and I'll write out solutions to a few of these!

Good luck!
PT18, S, G1 - Five Students - ManhattanLSAT.pdf
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Atticus Finch
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Re: PT 18, S1, G1 - Each of five students Hubert, Lori, Paul

by interestedintacos Wed Jan 26, 2011 9:58 am

What's missing from that diagram:

We also know that since we are dividing 5 students into 2 cities and at least two must go in each city, there's only one possible unfixed allocation/number distribution: 2-3.

It's worth it to create a diagram with 3 slots and 2 slots vertically placed (leaving out the labels for which city will be which). You can then plug in S/P (since we know they can't go together) in the first slot in each column. You can also plug in the HR block into the column with 3 slots, since it's too big to go into the other column. That only leaves one slot open, and it must go to L. You can then use this diagram to quickly conquer the game (even redrawing it as a mini diagram next to each question and filling in which city will be which).




The important thing was to rise above the uncertainty about which city will have 3 and which will have 2 visitors (and which city won't be visited at all).
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Re: PT 18, S1, G1 - Each of five students Hubert, Lori, Paul

by ManhattanPrepLSAT1 Sun Jan 30, 2011 3:30 pm

Great work! That's exactly how I think the test writer expected us to work through this game. Frequently we can frame games that ask us to assign but leave the distributions open. Always check the numbers!