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Vinny Gambini
Vinny Gambini
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by qccgraphix Sat Aug 27, 2011 12:54 am

What's the trick/deduction to this game? For some reason, I am stumped on this game and can't make any deductions. Any help would be much appreciated.

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Re: Diagram

by kraftsm07 Sun Sep 09, 2012 7:17 pm

I do not think there are many inferences for this game. I think it is just "plug and chug" as fast as you possibly can. If you notice the most restrictive letters, you can go faster. The one inference is that that H cannot be sixth. My fastest time was 8 minutes for this question. Here is my advice for each question:

Question 1) I just went through my rules one by one and knocked it out.
Question 2) Easy, J not only can’t be 1 or 6, but it now cannot be 2 or 4"”forcing it into slot 5. There is the answer. We are beginning to see how important and restrictive J is.
Question 3) J has to be second here, pushing H to first. We are left to fill slots 5 and 6 with K and R. R cannot be next to S or T because of the 3 Consecutive rule, so K is forced into five and R into six.
Question 4) S has to be sixth, leaving us with J, R and T for 2, 3, and 4. Our only possibilities are J, R, T consecutively or T, R, J. In both, R is in slot 3 so we have our answer.
Question 5) This one is hard. The only thing I would do if I were running out of time is only testing the answers involving T and J, since they are the most restrictive.
Question 6) If we test out A, and then try to place J we see that it is actually impossible, because J cannot be in 1 or 6, and because of the consecutive rule J cannot be 2, 4, or 5 now either. The first try is the answer!
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Re: Diagram

by bizmail27 Sat Nov 24, 2012 5:42 pm

On Q5:

There are only four possibilities for the SRK block:

1. S R K _ _ _
2. _ S R K _ _
3. _ _ S R K _
4. _ _ _ S R K

You can quickly rule out #1 because H has to come before S.

You can quickly rule out #2 because if H has to come before S, then we get the following configuration: H S R K _ _. This would force J & T to speak next to each other in the last two spots, which violates the 5th condition of the game.

As for #3, if H has to come before S, then either J or T has to go in the last spot (i.e., _ _ S R K J/T). But the 4th condition of the game says that J can't go in the first or last spot, so that means T has to go in the last spot (i.e., _ _ S R K T), and J has to go in the second spot (i.e., _ J S R K T). That leaves us with the final configuration of H J S R K T.

As for #4, we know J and T can't be next to each other, so they have to be in the 1st and 3rd spots (i.e., J/T _ J/T S R K). But the 4th condition of the game says that J can't go in the first or last spot, so J has to go in the third spot (i.e., J/T _ J S R K), which means T has to go in the first spot (i.e., T _ J S R K). That leaves us with the final configuration of T H J S R K.

Once you've narrowed down the two possible solutions to H J S R K T and T H J S R K, it should be relatively easy to answer the 5th question.
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Atticus Finch
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Re: Diagram

by andrewgong01 Mon Jul 10, 2017 12:48 am

Is there any fast or more "advanced" way to use and diagram the rule that HJK and RST chunk can never go together. It seemed like a big burden during the game the constantly check if HKJ and RST rule would be violated and a pretty clunky thing to deal with. I don't think I have seen a similar ordering rule like this in other ordering game where it gives 3 variables can not all together be somehow consecutive

Aside from this rule, it seems like, in retrospect (did not imagine it during the set up+big pause), the J can't go in 1 and 6 played a significant role in some of the questions because J can go only into 4 spots, and then during the questions 2-3 of the remaining 4 spots also gets eliminated.