by zdlsat Mon Oct 12, 2015 1:03 pm
I have a question regarding the fourth condition, which is "The sedan is serviced earlier in the week than the pickup or earlier in the week than the limousine, but not both."
Is that equal to "The sedan is serviced either earlier than pickup or earlier than limousine, but not both", which has only two scenarios, L-S-P and P-S-L?
When I initially did this condition, I thought it will be another scenario, both L and P are earlier than S, L----- S
Later, I figured it out through questions that this condition excludes that scenario.
So my question is that:
is "A or B, not both" equal to "either A or B, not both", which only has two scenarios, A and B?
What phrase describe a third scenario, -A and -B?
If the condition does not saying "not both", A and B can happen at the same time?
Thank you