by gilad.bendheim Mon Sep 19, 2011 12:36 am
Hi - I'll give it a try, but not sure how well it'll go. Hopefully it will help in some way!
Diagram (sorry about the dots, only way I could figure out how to post this...)
rule 3:
(a) P - H&N
(b) H&N - P
Therefore [H/N - P - H/N] is impossible
For me, because of the uncertainty surrounding P, it was best not to write down any of the inferences onto the board, but you can quickly see from the diagram that only F, N, or P (if 3a) can be first and that only T, H, or P (if 3b) can be last.
These alone will get you (6) and (7) pretty quickly. (8) is easy enough when you look at the diagram and see that at least 3 artifacts must follow F. (9) and (10) are local questions, both of which rely on (A) the inference of P having to either be before or after N and H, but not in between and (B) the understanding of the limitations on F because it is followed by 3 artifacts. (11) is one of those new tricky ones, and I don't know the best way to do it other than to eliminate the obvious ones and try out the ones that seem good.