by ohthatpatrick Thu Mar 21, 2019 6:58 pm
I've never seen this diagram we have posted here before. Wow! It's cool how we can do Games lots of different ways. I would have never thought to set it up this way.
I'm on your page, Juan.
Is it Ordering / Grouping / Both / Neither?
It's easiest for me to see it as 3D Grouping:
put these 5 people into two groups: F and L
__ __ ..... __ __ __
Friend ...... Liberty
When you put them in there, write a g/h/j underneath to keep track of whether they're geo, hist, or jour.
M __ ....... R __ __
(g, h) ..... h/j, (j/h, g)
Friend ...... Liberty
I would then create frames around whether N/g is in Friendship or Liberty.
M N ....... R P O
h.. g ...... (h, j) g
Friend ...... Liberty
M __ ...... R __ N ........ P .... O
(g, h) ...... (h, j), g ........h/j
Friend ...... Liberty