Thanks for asking
elanaminkoff and
Man, Summit Company has been the talk of the TOWN since June. This is just one more example of the LSAT demanding that we move beyond just being able to regurgitate familiar game families and their optimal automatic diagrams.
We've actually put together an entire video explanation of the game and all the questions for you guys! Check it out!
CLICK HERE for the Super Fabulous Manhattan LSAT Video Explanation for PT72, G4!Now, for those of you that can't watch the entire video right now (hmmmm, browsing the forums from work, are we?), diagramming this game is tough. I'll be perfectly honest - when I did this game the first time I jotted down a diagram at the beginning of the game
that I never used at all. I abandoned it and rediagrammed a few things partway through the questions. However, at no point did this game ever have a truly
robust diagram in the way that most games do. This is actually a fairly common irritation for games like this - we call them
Transposition games.* There is no fixed, standard optimal diagram. Instead, we have to pick from the various tools in our toolbox of diagramming awesomeness and cobble something brand new together that reflects what's happening in the game.
*If you want to take a look at some other games that fall into the category of Transposition, here's a list:
PT10, G3
PT11, G4
PT12, G4
PT13, G4
PT16, G4
PT18, G4
Feb97, G3
We know we have four (named) employees (J, K, L, M), four (unnamed) workpieces, and four days of the week. Since we know that each person works on exactly one workpiece a day, we could start out with grid, as
elanaminkoff did:
This is a perfectly reasonable way to think about this game. Next stop - notice that you only have three rules about people who
can't transfer to each other:
These rules are way more useful though, when we turn the negatives into positives. If J cannot pass his work to M, nor back to himself, the only options left are that he passes to K or he passes to L.
The game changer is making the next inference. Since everyone has to work, and K won't give work to J, and L won't give work to J, and J can't give work to himself..... that means M
is forced to give work to J, every transfer. If M did not, J wouldn't get work from anyone at all.
Now armed with this information, we can charge back to our grid diagram!
Unfortunately, there's just not a ton that we can actually fill in right now. There are way too many possibilities. At this point, there are a number of perfectly legitimate paths to take.
1) go ahead and dive into the questions and fill in hypo grids as you go
2) diagram what could happen to any given workpiece
3) diagram what could happen on any given day
For #2, we simply need to start combining the rules we already have about legal transfers. With our M->J inference, we have a complete listing of all valid moves. Put them all together, and you get this:
Remember, this is not a diagram that shows the actual transfers that MUST occur, but rather one that shows the
options at any given point. If a workpiece started with K, it might have a journey of K-M-J-L, or perhaps K-L-K-M! Or a number of things!
Now, this is a bit different than considering what might happen on any given day. If we went down this road (#3 above), then we'd want to keep in mind that on any given day,
every person has to work. So, on any given
day, we know that M always passes to J. J has to also pass his work off to someone, and there are only two options for who that can be: K or L.
Once J passes off to K, though, K doesn't have as much flexibility as you might think. If K were to pass to M, then L would be screwed over in the exchange! No one would pass to him and no one would receive work from him. So, K doesn't have the option to pass to M, he must pass his work to L.
If J instead passes his work to L, L ends up in a similar predicament. So, there are actually only two loops possible for any given day (K and L just flip flop in the line up):
Once again, notice that there's no defined starting point - these are
So, what's the optimal diagram: grid, flowchart for any workpiece, or loops for any day? It's debatable! The most important thing is to stay flexible. All three of these diagrams are useful, but you certainly don't
need them all to have an adequate understanding of the game.
Please let me know if this above diagrams, or the video explanation were helpful!