I had made a list of topics with subtopics which are asked in reasoning section.
Then I search for particular topic on youtube and go through 15 to 20 videos of different teachers and channels and practice those question. I take screenshot of good questions for later revision. Watch the videos on 2x speed. It will save time.
By doing that I get updated on new patterns and I get many ideas on how to solve a particular question.
You will get many puzzles pdf on telegram, try downloading the mains level puzzles and practice those daily. Just make sure you do atleast 5 mains level puzzles daily. And 5 prelim level too.
For PO mains, work on critical reasoning as well because it will save your time and they are easier as compared to the puzzles asked in mains.
Last but not the least practice the miscellaneous topics a lot more than puzzles. (coding decoding, machine input output, syllogism inequality, directions, family tree etc etc).