noort277 Wrote:Sorry I did not put the question more coherently , I am international test taker and my test will be on paper. Since the interact course focuses on using booklet that will be given to writing it in US I was wondering how what should be strategy regarding since I will only get the question paper to write on
Ah, got it! On the paper test, you don't actually need scratch paper, since you can write on the test booklet directly. For LR and RC, you can underline, highlight, and write in the margins. For LG, each game is spread over two pages, so you have plenty of room to write. You can practice using paper versions of the newer PTs (70s+) to get a feel for the layout. You can buy additional PT booklets from LSAC if you don't already have them.
Also make sure to practice entering your answers on a scantron sheet as you go. There's one in the back of each paper PT.