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LG exhaustion

by peterbobolis Thu Aug 08, 2013 10:49 pm

As is common, I've worked many of the same games, over and over.... I recall the guide's reassurance that redoing games contributes toward mastery.

My question is this: do the returns diminish (counterproductive even?) when you've timed and dissected a game, say 5x's, and you almost instantly recognize the required setup, key inferences, and vaguely recall the questions? I feel as though this scenario lulls me with familiarity and a false sense of confidence and mastery; all of which often comes crashing down when I try a brand new game and fall flat on my face.
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Atticus Finch
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Re: LG exhaustion

by tommywallach Tue Aug 13, 2013 9:23 am

Hey Peter,

I would say three times is the typical limit for a game in terms of offering a lot of new information. From there, you're proving to yourself you understand the setup inside and out. This is still useful, though not INCREDIBLE. Now, if you've exhausted every game in your arsenal, then it's okay to keep cycling. But if you have other games to practice on (ones you haven't seen yet), definitely hit those for the first time rather than cycle through old games more than a couple times.

Also, know whether you're doing hard games or easy games, if that makes sense. The hardest games require you to be flexible in your approach (i.e. make a diagram slightly different than one you've made before). To get good at this, you need mental flexibility, as opposed to being really solid on your basics. These might be the games that are throwing you; they're going to throw you anyway, so it's not about having been lulled into a false sense of security.

Hope that makes sense!

Tommy Wallach
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Re: LG exhaustion

by sanajaved00007 Tue Sep 03, 2013 12:08 am

thanks for shearing.
keep it up :arrow:
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Re: LG exhaustion

by simon.sullivan345 Tue Dec 17, 2013 3:19 am

Nice post !