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Vinny Gambini
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LSAT Interact for retakers?

by XiaoqiZ605 Wed Feb 21, 2018 11:25 pm


I took the LSAT twice, each with three to four months of self-study with going over explanations on the Manhattan prep forum. My PT score has a weird fluctuation, for 40-60 I performed stably at 170+, highest at 175, but in 61-70 I was going back and forth around 170, ±2 points. Starting from 73 I went bottom down to lower 160, and that happens several times as I did more PT in the 70. Finally after 79 I went back to 170±2. On the test day, sadly, I scored 162. I also realized that in my PT I often miss 2 per section for LR, 0-1 for LG, and the fluctuation is mainly caused by RC. With familiar topic I can really focus and miss 2 per section, but with obscure ones I can miss 15. But on the test day, I missed 5 on RC, 4 on LG, and a lot on LR, which isn't normal at all. I plan to retake the June LSAT, so I'm wondering if Interact would be a good tool for me at this point. Also, I'm happy to hear other advice. Thanks!
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Atticus Finch
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Re: LSAT Interact for retakers?

by ohthatpatrick Fri Feb 23, 2018 1:58 pm

That's a pretty difficult situation to diagnose. I definitely think the more modern tests are trickier, but that's a much steeper than average drop-off.

Is English your first language? It looks like you're really good at the technical / logical / mathematical parts of LSAT but get challenged by the gist-y, holistic, real-world common sense parts of it.

If difficult RC is your Achilles Heel, it's mainly RC practice that would benefit you, and mainly practicing RC on the modern tests. Ideally, you'd work with a tutor on some RC together so that she can see your realtime thinking at each stage of the game:
1. the ability to comprehend individual sentences
2. the ability to decode the author's purpose and find the 1-3 most important sentences
3. the ability to remember the 3-5 functional chunks of the passage (The Passage Map)
4. the ability to diagnose question stems in terms of how to think of them / where to look in the passage for supporting lines
5. the ability to predict an answer in your own words for Big Picture questions, to find the specific detail being tested for Detail-Find questions, to find the eligible support sentence(s) for Detail-Inference questions, to do the appropriate mental pre-work for Analogy or Strengthen/Weaken questions.
6. the ability to spot unsupportably STRONG / SPECIFIC / or COMPARATIVE language in the wrong answer choices.
7. the ability to find "meaning matches", rather than "word matches", in correct answers. (i.e. how good we are at recognizing equivalent meaning, even when a claim uses synonyms and/or inverted sentence structure)

I think the Interact RC lessons would definitely be of some value, but it's hard for me to think you'd benefit a ton from Interact overall. It's aimed mostly at getting people from 145 to 165.

The struggle with modern RC, for me, is that a lot of correct answers have inadequate support. I have to continually remind myself, "SOME support is better than NO support" in order to pick a crappy correct answer. Or I remind myself, "Look ... we're just supposed to choose the BEST answer. If it's IN-accurate, it's definitely wrong. If it's true-ish but not perfect, it might still be right."
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Vinny Gambini
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Vinny Gambini
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Re: LSAT Interact for retakers?

by EstelleB489 Wed May 30, 2018 2:13 am

It's difficult to diagnose... gateway, Spanish dictionary translation