Although I said 'science passages' in the title, my question is more broadly related to managing passages that I am completely unfamiliar with. When I encounter such passages, my mind gets blank or, I end up retaining barely any details because I am unfamiliar with the topic/jargon and spending too much time in the questions (on top of spending too much in reading the passage). Even when I remember where to locate the details, it takes too much time either because I still have to search within the paragraph or have to re-read to understand againmobdro kodi

As a possible solution (I haven't tried yet but I will), I was thinking about the following method, at least when I read those science or detail-oriented passages: Reading one or two paragraphs and then going to questions to see if I can solve any, going back to reading next passages and then looking at the questions to see if I can solve any (based on what I read so far), and so on. How does it sound? And could you give any advice for me? Thanks in advance!:)