Mapping of Passage:
P1: View of law: Natural law vs. Legal positivist
> Trad. Debate = moral order vs. ruling authority order
P2: New influence on law debate = Academia
> Legal opinions: New schools of thought
> (1) Law and Econ -> maximize wealth
> (2) Critical legal studies -> power of elites
P3: James Boyd's work = interdisciplinary
> (3) Law and Lit movement -> opinions = literary activity
> Legal opinions -> artistic performance (counter to views in P2)
> Legal opinions -> promote political or ethical value
P4: James Boyd again. More of his opinion?
> Judges = translators, middle-men
> Judges (opinions) responsive to changing society
As I read the passage, I kept expecting to get the author's opinion in support of one of the school's of thought. Even the last paragraph doesn't support James Boyd's view, it only describes it.
Based on this overall understanding of the passage, i.e., a descriptive essay about different opinions, I attacked the questions.