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Atticus Finch
Atticus Finch
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Q1 - In situations where it is difficult

by christine.defenbaugh Mon Jul 29, 2019 12:01 pm

Question Type:
Logical Completion ('Since blah blah, _____" = conclusion, so this is a type of Inference)

Stimulus Breakdown:
Principle: If informed decisions are hard, then consumers should be given info.
Example: It was hard to figure out if food had good ingredients, so food manufacturers had to give consumers the info.
Similar Example: It's hard to figure out how much energy a product required, so ______

Answer Anticipation:
The principle, set up as a classic 'if situation / then should' structure, matches the given example about food products. The "similarly" indicates the final example will match as well. We're given the 'if situation' part, and asked to complete the thought. We'll need an appropriate 'then should' part to stay in parallel to the original principle and the food example. To match, we're looking for something about 'should give consumers the info'.

Correct answer:

Answer choice analysis:
(A) This answer goes past just giving consumers info, and tries to make conclusions about what they will do with that info. Going too far!

(B) The given example and principle only focus on providing information, not what manufacturers should do differently.

(C) This answer goes past just giving consumers info, and tries to make conclusions about what impact that will have on fossil fuels usage. Going too far!

(D) The given example and principle only focus on providing information, not what consumers themselves should do differently.

(E) This completes the final example in a way that keeps everything matching! Now the argument ends with "Since it's hard to know how much energy, manufacturers should have to label stuff." Give us the info!

Classic traps to tempt your good intentions invoke 'should do' recommendations that sound like a great idea. People should totally choose more efficient products, demand products that require less energy, reduce the impact of fossil fuels generally, and use less energy in the production of things. All of that sounds amazing, and we might totally support these as positive steps we can take to combat various environmental sins. However, as awesome as those recommendations all are, that's not what the stimulus is actually about. Don't get sucked in by an answer that you agree with personally - stick to the text!

Annie Levin
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Vinny Gambini
Vinny Gambini
Posts: 7
Joined: February 13th, 2018

Re: Q1 - In situations where it is difficult

by Annie Levin Thu Nov 04, 2021 2:09 pm
