Question Type:
Stimulus Breakdown:
Conclusion: Eating these fruits causes aytpical Parkinson's.
Evidence: There was a correlation between eating the weird fruits and having atypical Parkinson's.
Answer Anticipation:
This is a classic Correlation to Causality argument. The two available pressure points are
1. Plausibility of author's causal story
2. Other causal stories.
Answers in the form of #1 would be like "these fruits have a certain chemical that can interact with Parkinson's", or "the more of this fruit people ate, the more atypical their Parkinson's got" or "Parkinson's does not have an entirely genetic basis; it can be affected by dietary habits".
Answers in the form of #2 would be something like "the atypical Parkinson's came first, and THEN they started eating these fruits (maybe those fruits are suggested as remedies for people with atypical Parkinson's)" or "the same genetic condition gives way to atypical Parkinson's and funky fruit cravings".
Since we're doing a strengthen question, we either want to increase the plausibility of the author's story or rule out the possibility of a different story.
Correct Answer:
Answer Choice Analysis:
(A) Yup. Classic "covariation" answer (the idea that cause/effect go hand in hand. More cause, more effect. No cause, no effect)
(B) We don't care if the healthy people have tried these weird fruits at least once in their lives.
(C) This is a Weaken idea, again from the world of "covariation" (no cause / effect).
(D) This drifts towards Weakening. If these fruits really caused Parkinson's, we'd expect the people who eat the most of these fruits to have Parkinson's, not to be healthy.
(E) This offers a reason for why people regularly eat these fruits but doesn't connect in any way to whether these fruits cause Parkinson's.
Takeaway/Pattern: Weaken questions are more likely to deal with a #2 (an alternate story for the same correlation), while Strengthen questions are slightly more likely to have a #1 type answer. The most common form for this is the "Control Group" answer: people not exposed to the cause do not see the effect (or the relative version of that -- people exposed LESS to the cause experience LESS of the effect).