This question is about Q1, but it's primarily a more general question about these sorts of questions.
I quickly eliminated A, D and E immediately after seeing that they referred specifically to the radio-tracking collars. These collars were definitely part of the story, but only part. So focusing on them as the "main idea" of the passage is a mistake.
But deciding between B and C is a lot more difficult.
C looks like a good answer right away--everything it says is true, and it seems to cover the organization of the passage, which begins by stating that there are questions, goes on to explain how some have been answered, and then presents a few more that seem to come out of the research.
However, B is a lot more specific. It accurately states the reasons for the problems zoologists faced.
Now, rereading the passage I see that B has some problems that should raise a red flag:
1. The passage only raises a couple of (presumably) exemplary questions, while B makes it sound like these were the ONLY reason for the zoologists troubles.
2. B makes it sound as though problems zoologists face regarding the okapi were only problems at the BEGINNING of the 20th century, implying that they have all been solved. Clearly the end of the passage suggests otherwise.
Ok, so if you're down to B and C, B has some explicit PROBLEMS, and so maybe that's a reason to eliminate it. However--and this is the main problem I'm having--C just doesn't seem to capture the MAIN IDEA of the passage, like the question states. Rather, it seems to give the ORGANIZATION of the passage. It seems to me that to truly capture the main idea of a passage you have to give some indication of the arguments given, and to do that you need to summarize at least the most important REASONS for something discussed in the passage, like B does.
So, I guess I have three questions:
1. When a question asks for the main idea, should we just be looking for the most general, accurate description of the passage?
2. If so, should the fact that some element of the passage is missing (as, e.g., the questions from the final paragraph are missing from B) raise a red flag?
3. How is a "main idea" question different from an "organization" question. (I had the same problem Q16 and Q17 from PT 29 S2, which have sequential questions about the "primary purpose" and the "main idea." Nightmare.)
Thanks in advance.