by YasmineF465 Thu May 14, 2020 3:06 pm
Hey guys, so no one has explained this question so I thought I would (:
10 asks us to determine what could be true if we have one glass with the color purple, rose and orange so you place that as one glass option
1 2
g p
p r
Since there can only be two roses you have two options with this question a rose in with the group one and two OR no rose in 1 and one in 2 and 3 like this
g p
p r
r o
g p y
p r
so you now have to fill in the blanks, you need at least Y so you need to put into a group of its one
g p y
p r
r o
g p y
p r r
However, these two boards are not complete. Look at the Y or Y/R group it has to either have O/P to fulfill the last condition BUT, o can not be with Y so group 3 HAS to have P so you add P to group 3
g p y
p r p
r o
g p y
p r r
o p
Now when I did this problem was like okay so the answer either has to be YRP, YP, GPR or GP but none of those are options so I looked at my board again and was like okay so what could I add to the groups. At first I was like nothing! but then I looked at the GP in the second board and was like hmm I could add a O to that group and so I checked the answers and there it was in B so I picked it and left.