What analogy is answer B speaking of? I was originally going to pick B but this didn't seem to fit in.
bearknowsthetrooth Wrote:I'm still confused about why this is an analogy (it just seems like a regular comparison to me.) I always thought in an analogy, two things had to have certain elements that were analogous or parallel. If this is an analogy, then what is the difference between an analogy and a simple comparison?
uhdang Wrote:
Short summaries of Carl's point, 1) and 2), are using the same logical conditions for different subjects, and this for me is what an analogy does.
btwalden Wrote:uhdang Wrote:
Short summaries of Carl's point, 1) and 2), are using the same logical conditions for different subjects, and this for me is what an analogy does.
Yep, Carl definitely makes statements about both humans and animals in regards to the same subject; and it definitely seems like a build up to an analogy between them.
B. could definitely be concluded as the answer by process of elimination, but the lack of a true analogy makes it more difficult.
keonheecho Wrote:Hi, I have a question about answer choice (A). When (A) refers to "claims", does this apply to both implicit (assumptions) and explicit claims? Or only explicit? I don't remember the particular question, but I remember for one method of reasoning question I encountered, an answer choice was correct because it mentioned that the particular stimulus weakened an assumption of a different argument. The answer choice, like this one, said that it weakened a claim, without specifying whether it was explicit/implicit. But isn't Debbie's argument weakening an implicit claim that Carl makes, that humans and animals are not different in a way that makes differing protocols acceptable? And if this is the case, wouldnt it make (A) a possible answer choice? I hope this question makes sense...lol.
uhdang Wrote:.
Well, when I look at Carl's statement, I see Carl's analogy of comparing,
1) animals in a matter of requiring pain protocols with
2) humans in a matter of requiring pain protocols.