by einuoa Sat Jan 11, 2014 4:27 pm
When I first approached the question, I crossed out all the answers because none of them seemed particularly strong for me. After looking at the passage again, B is indeed a better choice, (although I still dislike this question). Here was my reasoning for crossing out A:
The passage doesn't say anything about how studying/promoting multicultural understanding by teaching about other cultures relies on the least amount of speculation about non-Western cultures. So, take for example one of the values in the first paragraph, democracy. If we use the lense of democracy to study other cultures, there would still be plenty of speculation when we look at other cultures through that lens, even though we're applying a Western culture perspective.
Also, in contrast to the second&third option, I think the third option actually applies less speculation about that country's cultures. If you're studying that country's culture according to its own set of values, as advocated in the last three lines, then there isn't much to speculate, because you're then not questioning that culture through your own perspective, but understanding that culture through its own.
I'm not sure if I'm being entirely clear, so as an example, say that people in Africa paint their faces, if we study that through democracy, we would say something along the lines of 'Do people in Africa paint their faces because it shows their democratic ideals?' Speculation! But according to the third option, you would say 'According to African tradition, they paint their faces to show respect to past ancestors.' (I made that up) Therefore, less speculation.
And to address your question with the second option, it merely points out the differences between cultures, by not saying one's right. Also, a little bit of outside information, anthropology often observes what other cultures do while maintaining neutrality, so as to not influence the study, so it's more observational than speculative. The passage also describes the second method as more objective, so I think that ties in with being less speculative as well.
Choice B addresses the 'Many educators...' part in the beginning of the paragraph and what multicultural education should consist of. I hope that answered your question.