This is a wordy inference question!
We learn the following:
NOT band --> proposal approved --> able to build water sewer
(note that able to build is different than definitely building)
build apts. --> able to build water sewer
build apts. --> new residents --> (PROBABLY crowded schools) + congested roads --> new roads --> more taxes
new residents --> MAYBE destroy rural
A lot of conditional statements, and a couple of wishy-washy connections, which we should remember are NOT definitive.
No point in predicting, let's see what the answers give us:
(A) band --> no apts. this is a negation of a chain that isn't even necessarily intact (we don't know that NOT band --> apartments, just that NOT band --> able to build apartments)
(B) build apts. --> new taxes. Yes! We have this here: build apts. --> new residents --> congested roads --> new roads --> more taxes
(C) NOT proposal approved --> NOT rural destroyed. Nope. We don't know if proposal approve --> rural destroyed. But, more importantly, there could be other ways the rural atmosphere gets destroyed, like cell phone towers.
(D) NOT build apts. --> NOT more taxes. Illegal negation of build apts. --> more taxes.
(E) NOT build apts. --> NOT crowded schools + NOT roads. Negation of what we know will (and probably will) flow from build apartments. All of those consequences could happen for other reasons. Maybe refugees arrive.