gaheexlee Wrote:I have the same question as coco.wu1993
Isn't A saying that the techniques are reliable in letting people know from what two species hybrids are born from?
Interesting question,
I think you're actually misreading
(A) just a tad. This answer is talking about the techniques being used
to determine whether a population of animals is a hybrid. So, if it were
unreliable, it would mistakenly label a non-hybrid a hybrid, or vice versa.
You're reading it as a technique that simply tells you, once you
already know something is a hybrid. what the original species are. That's totally different!
So, now let's take a look at what happens if we have an unreliable "hybrid species labeling mechanism". This could mean that the hybrid-zebra-platypus gets overlooked as a hybrid. Poor zebra-platypus, everyone thinks it's an independent species.
So, let's take a look at Vogel's final conclusion: Hybrids don't need (legal) protection.
Our negated assumption should make that a crazy thing to say - we need some serious support for the possibility that maybe legal protection IS needed for hybrids. Key here, though, is realizing that creating a legal protection for hybrids won't magically tell us
who the hybrids are that we're trying to protect.
Now, back to the ignored zebra-platypus. If we don't even know that's a hybrid, you and
coco.wu1993 are right that it
wouldn't be
easy to revive by interbreeding, because we wouldn't even know we're supposed to do that (since we don't know it's a hybrid). But what would this mean for the final conclusion, that hybrids don't need legal protection? Has this terrible result shown us a possible way that we might actually need legal protection for the hybrids?
Nope! Because if we
don't even know that the zebra-platypus
is a hybrid, then there's no way legal protection would have any benefit for it whatsoever. If we can't even
identify the hybrids, then Vogel's still right: they don't need legal protection. It wouldn't help!
Please let me know if this helps clear up a few things!