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by OrenBarb Thu Nov 03, 2011 12:00 pm

I can see why D is correct, however it appears as if answer choice C appears verbatim in the last paragraph. Can someone help illustrate why this answer choice is incorrect?

The question asks you to identify what proponents of the last version of multicultural education in the third paragraph would find objectionable. While I understand their position that cultures with different value systems cannot impose these values on the analysis of a different culture, the passage also explicitly refers to the "chauvinism of science" as an "objection" to the study of nonscientific cultures by methods of western science. This is explicitly stated in answer choice C.

Any insight is appreciated, thank you.
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Atticus Finch
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Re: Q12

by ManhattanPrepLSAT1 Wed Nov 09, 2011 2:23 pm

Good question laytont!

Do you hear the voice change as you move from the 3rd to the 4th paragraphs? The views in the 3rd paragraph are attributed to the the second form of multicultural education. The 4th paragraph expresses the author's view.

Answer choice (C) is incorrect because it does not express the view of the proponents of the second form of multicultural education.

Let's take a quick look at some of the other incorrect answers.

(A) contains no value judgement of one cultural on another.
(B) contains no value judgement of one cultural on another.
(C) expresses the author's view, not the view of the proponents of the second form of multicultural education.
(E) does not necessarily imply the judgement of one culture upon another.

The correct answer choice (D) does have one culture judging another.

Hope that helps!
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Atticus Finch
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Re: Q12

by nflamel69 Fri Jan 04, 2013 4:16 pm

I thought that the author is neutral in this passage and the 4th paragraph is about what the critics of the 2nd proposal thinks? O.O
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Jackie Chiles
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Re: Q12

by andreperez7 Tue Aug 30, 2016 8:12 pm

What matters in C being incorrect is that the view of anti-science is not the proponents of the second value-neutral method; they would consider employing our values to asses another people's wrong (answer D). C is trying to catch whether you can discriminate between the pro and anti value-neutral camps, and hoping get caught up with the critics in the next passage or the author in the ned of passage 3..

And if you double check lines 32-38 is the author bringing the same argument as the critics in the next paragraph. It would seem this is the author's view. If there was a question that asked if the author agrees with the critics in the 4th passage, I think, the answer would be yes.
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Vinny Gambini
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Re: Q12

by YasmineF465 Mon May 11, 2020 1:38 am

How did you guys know that they wanted you to pick an answer that the proponents would disagree with? I thought the question was asking for situation that they would agree with and could not figure out the answer? picked B because it was the only would somewhat close to something neutral.
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Vinny Gambini
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Re: Q12

by TaliaR358 Thu May 14, 2020 1:33 am

YasmineF465 Wrote:How did you guys know that they wanted you to pick an answer that the proponents would disagree with? I thought the question was asking for situation that they would agree with and could not figure out the answer? picked B because it was the only would somewhat close to something neutral.

The question stem says: "which one of the following would most likely be considered objectionable by proponents..." , essentially asking you what the proponents (who spoke about neutral stance) would disagree about in the answer choices.

Hence why (D) is the correct answer.
I chose this because it was supported by the passage that "values of one culture should not be standards by which others are judged" - Answer choice D contradicts this, therefore those proponents would not agree with that statement.