by christine.defenbaugh Sat May 23, 2015 2:03 am
Thanks for posting, Mab6q!
I love that you're mapping out the shape of the argument to see the match! One thing to consider is that it's not always optimal to force every statement into a conditional type structure. In our original argument, one of the most striking structural elements is the 'only two options' bit. If we focus on that, we could map out the essential structure of the original as:
There are only two options.
One option is impossible.
Therefore, it must be the other one.
For the original argument, these two options are French Roast and Mocha Java. French Roast is then eliminated. Therefore, it had to be Mocha Java. For (D), the two options are sales and research. Arno won't take the sales job. Therefore, he'll take the research job.
For (C), we start with two options: July-2-wk or October-3-wk. The planned trail won't just kill one of the options, it will kill both!! Rose could do something other than the planned trail, but then both options would still be on the table. This is fundamentally different from killing off ONE option!
If it helps to diagram it, this is how I would do it:
Carl's --> FR or MJ
Yusef dinner --> ~FR
Yusef dinner AND Carl's --> MJ
Werdix job --> sales or research
Arno --> ~sales
Arno AND Werdix job --> research
Vacation --> July-2-wk or October-3-wk
Planned trail --> 3-wk AND ~October
Vacation --> ~planned trail
(C) only matches the first premise (with the two options) - it fails to match the other pieces!
Does this help clear things up a bit?