by lsat1 Mon Sep 04, 2017 11:31 pm
I typed out an answer to this earlier but somehow it wasn't posted. Here is a condensed version:
J: Y, X, Z, W
L: X, Z, W, Y
P: Y, Z, X, W
T: X, Y, Z, W
1) We know either J, L, P or T will have to go first.
2) The first pick will either be Y or X. If Y, then J or P picked first. If X, L or T picked first.
3) Eliminate A and C
4) We are now left with B, D, and E.
5) At this point you would either test out the entirely of B and select it as the answer, or you would look at answer choices D and E, where J picked Y first.
6) If J picked Y first, this means we are left with L, P, or T who will pick second. If L or T is second, L or T will pick X. If P is second, P will pick Z.
7) Eliminate D and E, because none of the scenarios in #6 apply.
8) B is the answer
Hope this helps.