This question is about the author's attitude towards foreign collectors of terra cotta sculptures.
I was stuck between E (sympathy with motives) and B (approval of aesthetic judgement), using line 8 as a reference for the authors attitude when he says "foreign collectors who rightly admired [these sculptures]"
I ultimately went with E because there is no support for the contention that the admiration these foreign collectors had was solely inspired by their aesthetic judgement. In fact, much of the passage seems to suggest that these artifacts are, alternatively, valuable due to their cultural significance.
But assuming that it could be that some foreign collectors admire these sculptures because of their aesthetic judgement, would it still not be true that their "motives" for collection are inspired by that "admiration" for these sculptures that the author says is "rightly" placed? In that case wouldn't that line reference still hold true for their motives?
Can someone explain this to me?