Thanks for posting,
For this 3D Ordering game, our initial setup should look something like this:

As with any conditional question, our first task is to add the new information to our diagram. If O must come before J, then J has to come after everyone! We can add J into the 5th slot in our diagram:

This means that the remaining two slots are taken by O and L. But *both* O and L get rain alone! We can add all of this to our diagram:

That's as far as we can take the inferences!
Since the question is saying that each of the answers must be true EXCEPT, we know that four of the answers are permissible in our current diagram, and one will be a rule violator.
(C) is our only rule violator: since either O or L must go 4th, and both of those cities get rain only, it is
NOT possible for the fourth city to have hail!
Let's just go through the possibles:
(A) First could be O or L - ok!
(B) Fourth could be O or L - ok!
(D) Fifth must be J! ok!
(E) Fifth receives only rain - we have no information about whether J gets hail, so this seems fine!
Please let me know if this completely answers your question!