Question Type:
Necessary Assumption
Stimulus Breakdown:
The argument refutes a general principle that if one ought to do something, then one can do it. In support of this point it offers the example about promising to meet a friend though unable to do so because of a traffic jam.
Answer Anticipation:
"In order for the point about promising to meet a friend to serve as a counterexample it must meet two criteria:
1. Meeting the friend is something one ought to do.
2. Meeting the friend is something one cannot do."
Correct Answer:
Answer Choice Analysis:
(A) reverses the logic connecting meeting one's friend and being something one ought to do.
(B) undermines the argument, since relieving the obligation to meet one's friend undermines the first criterion.
(C) mistates the principle that is being undermined, but doesn't link the argument's evidence and conclusion.
(D) is correct. This must be true otherwise the example could not serve as a relevant counterexample to the principle in question.
(E) undermines the argument by suggesting that one's not being able to do something is inconsistent with having an obligation to do it.
Takeaway/Pattern: Reasoning Structure: Conditional Logic