by ohthatpatrick Tue Mar 22, 2016 12:15 pm
I think your question probably just boils down the idea that you're thinking of how (B) could be true, but that's irrelevant when we're assessing whether it must be true.
We would initially have this diagram for Q14
G _ _ _ J _ T
Because we have a rule that says J --> GJ, we actually know that G is in 4.
G _ _ G J _ T
Now we might ask, "Who's Left?" as well as look through our remaining rules.
The biggest thing on our radar should be the M - G+ - M rule.
We definitely need to put one of those M's in 6, so we have.
G _ _ G J M T
The other one could go in 2 or 3, it looks like. Who else could go in 2 or 3?
Not G, because it would be touching another G.
J could go in 2, but not 3.
T could go in either 2 or 3.
So within spots 2 and 3, we DEFINITELY have an M, and then we either have a J or a T.
Since spots 2 and 3 are NOT set in stone, they are really irrelevant to this question. Nothing MUST be true about spots 2 and 3.
The DEFINITES are what must-be-true is testing.
We inferred that G would be in 4 and that M would be in 6, so those are the likely answers.
Does that make sense?
Evaluating (B), you shouldn't be trying to come up with a scenario where T is 2.
When you're evaluating MBT answer choices, you're trying to see if you can come up with a COUNTEREXAMPLE to what the answer choice says.
I can refute that (B) needs to be true by considering a possible scenario like
Hope this helps.