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Vinny Gambini
Vinny Gambini
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by tracyhu226 Sun Nov 06, 2016 7:47 pm


I understand that the correct answer is (A) based on the last paragraph. But isn't answer (D) also make sense?

As we can see in the third paragraph, the author concedes that the "philosophers of science" are quite right and does not deny the social processes of scientific activity. I think these statements is enough to say that the author does concede.

Could anyone help me with it? Thank you!
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Atticus Finch
Atticus Finch
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Re: Q14

by ohthatpatrick Thu Nov 10, 2016 2:52 pm

Question Type:
Purpose of Information

Answer expected in lines/paragraph:
Last paragraph broadly, the author is more specifically found in line 57-62. And that line is literally "conluding the passage".

Any prephrase?
The author makes a suggestion … "new historians OUGHT to be doing ____" instead of what they've been doing.

Correct answer:

Answer choice analysis:

(A) Sure. A 'prescription' is a recommendation. And saying "historians ought to do ____" is a recommendation.

(B) The "but" in line 55 may entice people here, but the author isn't presenting a paradox. The author is saying it's COMPATIBLE to observe that there are complicated social forces involved in the scientific community while also maintaining that objective reality informs what gains scientific acceptance.

(C) There is no prediction in the final paragraph. The easiest way to tell that is that there is no verb in the future tense.

(D) The author does not concede an entire argument. The author, in line 55-57, concedes that the new historians HAVE made some revealing observations. But the same sentence says that you can concede their premise without making the crazy leap to their conclusion that natural reality plays no part.

(E) There's no anticipated objection. In the last paragraph the author says "historians make some good observations but then make a silly leap to the idea that reality plays no part. Instead, they should to X."

Takeaway/Pattern: I've never seen the keyword / line reference of "in concluding the passage". Technically, we could probably consider the whole final paragraph to be doing that, but the most obvious place to look would be the final sentence, which concludes the passage. This question is simply about "can you match one of these answers to something that happened in the last sentence/paragraph"?
