by giladedelman Tue Oct 05, 2010 6:30 pm
Thanks for posting!
Our job is to figure out why the author mentions the socioeconomic flux in turn-of-the century America in the third paragraph. In that paragraph, the author explains that the complexity of the cakewalk phenomenon is what enabled it to attract its wide audience; in that era, he goes on, "an art form had to be capable of being many things to many people in order to appeal to a large audience."
So he's mentioning the flux in order to explain why the cakewalk was able to catch on so widely in that era.
(D) is therefore correct. The author is trying to "indicate why a particular cultural environment" -- that is, the flux that characterized turn-of-the-century America -- was favorable to the dance.
(A) is tempting, but the author doesn't say that the cakewalk could only have become popular in such circumstances, just that the circumstances helped.
(B) is also tempting because the author is providing context, but it's context for the cakewalk's popularity, not for the fusion of African and European elements.
(C) is unsupported; the author only talks about the "targets" of parody in the preceding paragraph.
(E) is too narrow in scope. The author is talking about the popularity of the cakewalk in general, not just parodies of it.
Does that answer your question?