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Atticus Finch
Atticus Finch
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by lhermary Fri Sep 09, 2011 3:40 pm

Can someone explain to me why E is wrong and D is right?

It can still be in alphabetical order even if it starts with Z...
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Atticus Finch
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Re: Q14

by timmydoeslsat Fri Sep 09, 2011 5:46 pm

The rules state that the words in the sentence must be in alphabetical order.

This questions asks us what is the latest letter in the alphabet that can start our first word.

It is a good idea to work backwards on this. Start with Z and work our way backwards in the alphabet.

Think what the rules say, however, because we know that at most 3 of the 5 words can have the same letter.

So with a Z example:

Word 1: ZTA
Word 2: ZTAB (add letter b)
Word 3: ZWAB (replace letter T with W)
Word 4: Cannot do one! We cannot have Z begin a word anymore and the sentence is to be in alphabetical order.

We can then conclude that Y can fit this bill.

We just need one letter "room" if you will:

Word 1: YTA
Word 2: YTAB (add)
Word 3: YWAB (replace)
Word 4: ZWABG (add)
Word 5: ZWABK (replace)